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NK2Edit: Edit AutoComplete files (.NK2) of Microsoft Outlook.Microsoft office 2010 outlook nk2 file location free download

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Microsoft office 2010 outlook nk2 file location free download 



Microsoft office 2010 outlook nk2 file location free download.Learn How to Export .nk2 file to MS Outlook

  Nov 01,  · Import nk2 File into Outlook Outlook no longer uses a nk2 file. When upgrading from Outlook to Outlook or from Outlook to Outlook , it now becomes necessary to import nk2 file from to or import nk2 file from to Here are the steps to import nk2 file into Outlook Import nk2 File into Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins. May 03,  · Location of the NK2 File – The file is located at the location “C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook” by default. The AutoComplete file is very profile specific; it means if a user has multiple Outlook profiles, there will be only one AutoComplete file for each Outlook profile. Download Office Download and install Office using an existing product key. Download now. Microsoft Outlook with a Microsoft subscription is the latest version of Outlook. Previous versions include Outlook , Outlook , and Outlook NK2Edit works on any version of Windows, starting from Windows and up to Windows NK2Edit is a Unicode based application, and thus it cannot work under Windows 95/98/ME. NK2Edit can read, write, and create NK2 files for Outlook , Outlook , Outlook , Outlook , and Outlook . Feb 27,  · Microsoft Rewards ; Free downloads & security; community and support articles; Microsoft and Office; Outlook; Search Community member; CH. chrissquire. Created on February 28, 2 files into Outlook with Windows 10 Operating System Hi, I am trying to 2 file to outlook with Windows 10 operating system.  

Microsoft office 2010 outlook nk2 file location free download.Upgrade from Outlook 2010 to Outlook in Microsoft 365


Main Page. NK2Edit v3. This feature is known as 'AutoComplete' and Outlook automatically build this emails list according to user activity and save it into a file with. NK2 extension. NK2Edit Features Easily modify or fix all information stored in the NK2 file, including the display name, the email address, the exchange string, the Drop-Down display name, and the search string. Easily remove unwanted single quote characters from the display name and from the Drop-Down list. Delete unwanted emails, as well as add new emails, by typing them manually, or by choosing them from the address book of Outlook.

Copy NK2 records from one NK2 file to another - simply by copy and paste! Build a completely new NK2 file and add the desired emails into it, by typing them manually, by adding them from your address book, or by copying records from another NK2 file. Extract data from corrupted NK2 files that Outlook cannot read anymore When Outlook AutoComplete stopped working and even repair them so Outlook will be able to read them again.

Export all data stored in the NK2 file into a special Unicode text file in a structure similar to. You can open it any text editor you like, make the changes you need, and then convert it back into NK2 file that Outlook can use. Export the emails information stored inside NK2 file directly into the contacts of Outlook. Copy the selected NK2 records in tab-delimited format and then paste the information into Excel. Change the order of the records in the NK2 file, which also affects the order they appear in the drop-down.

You can also sort the list in alphabetical order of the Drop-Down display names. However, be aware that Outlook change the order again when the user send emails Command-Line Support: Write simple scripts that can add, remove, or modify records inside the NK2 file, without displaying any user interface. NK2Edit is a portable application that can be used from any computer with Windows operating system Starting from Windows without need of any installation process, and without making changes in the Registry.

If after the days of evaluation you decide to continue using it, you have to purchase a commercial license according to the number of workstations with Outlook that NK2Edit is needed for opening or editing their NK2 file. For more information about commercial licenses, click here Download links are on the bottom of this page Disclaimer The software is provided "AS IS" without any warranty, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

The author will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential or indirect damages due to loss of data or any other reason.

After many requests from users, I added some limited editing features that allowed the users to remove and add records into the NK2 file. Simply download the zip file of NK2Edit, extract the files into any folder you like, and run the executable file NK2Edit. You can also put the files of NK2Edit in a shared network drive, and run it from any workstation in your company.

NK2Edit doesn't write anything to the Registry or other places, so deleting the files is enough for removing NK2Edit completely from your system. The installer of NK2Edit automatically add a new group to the start menu of Windows and it also add a new entry to the uninstall list of Windows, so you'll be able to easily uninstall NK2Edit if it's needed. If you use the bit version of Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft Outlook , you must download and use the x64 of NK2Edit in order to use the above 2 features.

In all other cases, you should use the bit version of NK2Edit. Be aware that if you have bit Windows installation, but the installation of MS-Outlook is bit, you must use the bit version of NK2Edit in order to use the above 2 features. Backups of NK2 file: When you make changes in your NK2 files, it's always important to keep a backup of the original NK2 file, so if something goes wrong and the modified NK2 doesn't work properly, you'll be able to restore the original one.

You can disable the automatic backup by unchecking the 'Automatically Backup On First Save' in the Options, although it's recommended to keep this options enabled. In addition to the automatic backup of the first save, NK2Edit also allows you to create a backup when you think it's important. When you edit your NK2 files, you should keep the number of records below these limits, or alternatively, change the maximum records limit in the Registry.

NK2 file. Starting from this version, it replaces the specified string in all fields. If from some reason you want to keep this command in the previous mode, change the value of ReplaceCommandMode from 1 to 0 in nk2edit. Version 3. When it's turned on, you can type a string in the text-box added under the toolbar and NK2Edit will instantly filter the AutoComplete items, showing only items that contain the string you typed.

This option allows you to easily change the maximum numbers of AutoComplete records allowed by Outlook. NK2Edit automatically detects the current installed version of Outlook and updates the correct Registry value. Version 2. To sort the first column you should not hold down the Shift key.

The backup filename is generated with a timestamp, for example: 1. This package contains a third executable named nk2edit. Both executables bit and bit share the same configuration file nk2edit. When clicking the header of the domain column, the list is first sorted by the domain, and then by the email address. You can use it to automatically export the AutoComplete data to the message store of Outlook, On Outlook or greater.

For example: NK2Edit. Added 'Linked To Profile' column. If the value under this column is Yes, it means that the record is linked to a contact or address book item on your Outlook profile, and it'll stop working if you copy this record into another Outlook profile. You can use it to delete all records with specific 'Display Type' value.

For example, to delete all non-private distribution lists: if DisplayType Equal 1 delete Version 2. This option allows you to open the selected email address in Outlook. If this email address has an enrty inside the address books of your Outlook profile, this address book entry will be displayed.

Otherwise, Outlook will open a simple dialog-box with the display name and email address. Fixed issue: Dialog-boxes opened in the wrong monitor, on multi-monitors system. Outlook maintains 2 copies of the AutoComplete data. This option allows you to copy the local AutoComplete. This column is only valid for SMTP records. Be aware that if the 'Sending Format' is Outlook Rich Text, the recipient that receives the message will get winmail.

Added 'Change Sending Format To Be aware that this action overwrites all the existing AutoComplete records with the records of the specified nk2 file. By default, when you specify a filename without a path For example: NK2Edit. In most cases, the current directory is where the.

Version 1. For example: nk2edit. In the AutoComplete drop-down of Outlook, NK2 recipient with higher weight value is displayed above all other recipients with lower weight value. So if you set the weight value of important emails to very high number, these emails will be displayed in the top of the AutoComplete list, above all other emails.

Example for a script line that sets a new weight value: if Email Contain " mydomain. It allows you to create a script with parameters, and load the parameters from tab-delimited or comma-delimited file csv.

For more information about this new feature: Script With Parameters. This change allow you to add multiple records more easily. You can select one or more SMTP addresses from the NK2 records list, and then use this option to compose a new message in your default email client for the selected addresses.

When it's turned on, NK2Edit warns you if you try to save the default NK2 file and Outlook is currently running in the background.

When it's turned on, the odd and even rows are displayed in different color, to make it easier to read a single line. When this option is turned on and you try to exit from NK2Edit or to open another file after you made some changes in the current opened file, NK2Edit will ask you whether you want to save the changes in the current opened file.

By default, when this option is turned off, NK2Edit asks you whether you want to discard the nk2 file changes. If you turn off this option By default, it's turned on , NK2Edit won't display error messages when you open corrupted. When this option is selected, the. Simply click the 'Duplicate' column header, and you'll find all duplicate records in the top of the NK2 records list. Also Added 'Mark Duplicate Records' option. When this option is turned on, all duplicate records are marked with different colors.

Read the NK2Edit command-line options page for more information. Added 'Find' option in the context menu of the Control Center. When this option is turned on, the column names are added as the first line when you export to csv or tab-delimited file.

This feature requires to add a single line into the logon script to collect the NK2 information. Fixed some focus and tab order issues. Added 'Replace' and 'ReplaceField' script actions - for replacing strings inside the NK2 file by using automatic scripts. For licensed version only Version 1. NK2 file of your default Outlook profile, and open it. NK2Edit can work in 2 edit modes: Table Edit Mode: This is the default edit mode, and you should use this mode most of the time.

The NK2 records are displayed in simple table. You can double-click a single record to edit the record data. You can also select one or more records, and then delete them, move their location up or download, or copy them and then paste them into another NK2 file. Raw Text Edit Mode: This mode should only be used by advanced users.

In this mode, you get a text editor like Notepad, and the NK2 records are provided in structure similar to ini files of Windows. You can also copy the entire text into another text editor that you like, make your changes, and then paste the text back to NK2Edit editor. Only when you use the save option, all your changes will be saved into the NK2 file.

You can also use the 'Save As' option if you want to save your changes into a new NK2 instead of overwriting the existing one.



Microsoft office 2010 outlook nk2 file location free download.Outlook 2010 and the Nk2 file


In previous versions of Outlook you may recall the profilename. This file is the file that held all the contacts you havev communicated with. When you would open a new message and start typing a letter it would drop down a list of all the contacts that you have communicated with so that you could choose the correct one.

With Outlook that has changed. Nk2 After that you need to run this command:. After that the file is imported and you are good to go. Below is the official Microsoft article as well. Note The. Note After you import the. Therefore, if you try to re-import the. To import. Thanks for this. You are commenting using your WordPress.

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